Meet the Eagle Scout Class of 2022 from Stark County
Stark county serves more than 1,200 youth annually. In 2022, 63 of these youth achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.
Below you will find all of the Eagle Scouts from Stark County, including a photo, project description and congratulatory video. Feel free to explore and learn about each Eagle Scout.
*photos, project descriptions, and videos may not be available for all Eagle Scouts*
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Christopher A.
Louisville | Troop 1016
Project Beneficiary: City of Louisville
For Christopher's project he built 6 benches to go around the new walking path in Aljancic Park in Louisville. The benches were made out of wood, stained, sealed, and sit on concrete pads. He built the benches at his house with the help of scouts from his troop; and installed them at the park. These benches will give people a place to sit when walking or watching pickleball.

Kaela B.
Minerva | Girl Troop 2150
Project Beneficiary: Minerva Local Schools
Kaela's project was to rearrange the scene shop at Minerva High School. The rearrangement of the scene shop allows for much easier flow behind stage, more room to build and work, and allows for a smoother use of the stage. Many times, multiple different groups may need to use the stage within a few days. The new layout allows for the to continue to build and have an area to store what they are building without interfering with others.
Zachary B.
Massillon | Troop 1903
Project Beneficiary: Massillon Parks and Recreation
Zachary's project is a 30ft bridge in Lincoln Park in Massillon. Before his bridge was put in place, there were small stepping stones that crossed a deep stream, those stepping stones were very old and some were broken. His bridge will not only improve the look of the area for the community, but it will prevent injuries for anyone crossing the stream.
Zachary B.
Plain Township | Troop 1127
Project Beneficiary: Camp Tuscazoar
Zachary replaced the stairs to Tom's Chapel at Camp Tuscazoar. The chapel is located on a steep hill, and as of late the stairs leading down to it were breaking, cracking, and sliding due to years of erosion, water damage, as well as repeated use by campers and guests. The goal of the project was to replace the old steps with new ones, clean up the pathway by adding in asphalt shavings, and install improved railings all the way down the path leading to Tom's Chapel.

James B., IV
Perry Township | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: St. Marys School/Church
For James' project, he repaired a retaining wall at St Marys School and Church in Massillon. To start the project, he needed to dismantle the entire wall prior to reconstruction. The wall was rebuilt with industrial adhesive between every stone to improve strength and applying gravel filter. Thanks to James, the exterior of the Church and School will look better for years to come.

Kyle B.
Jackson Township | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: Children's Network of Stark County
Kyle's project was to build a blank ladder, refurbish a trunk provided by the Children's Network of Stark County to turn it into a treasure chest. He also collected sensory toys and provided a few blankets for the blanket ladder.
Michael C.
Louisville | Troop 1044
Project Beneficiary: NEO Retreat Center and Church of God Camp Grounds
Michael added new trails to the NEO Retreat Center that will be a great benefit to the campground and should be able to be used by many people for years to come. The paths were used a lot during camp meeting this past summer and they held up very well.
Tanner C.
Jackson Township | Troop 1265
Project Beneficiary: City of North Canton
Tanner put up 2 new signs around the North Canton Cemetery at some of the main entry points. These signs consisted of the main sign, a flow box underneath. One of the signs he simply replaced, and the other sign is brand new and in a new location. Tanner also beautified the cemetery by placing 2 new flower boxes under 2 of the already existing signs.
James D.
Canal Fulton | Troop 1915
Project Beneficiary: SAM Center
James' Eagle Scout Project consisted of a 4 week long donation site and food drive for the SAM Center. He accepted non-perishables, hygiene items, pet foods and had a donation jar available too. He was granted permission to set up a canopy in Duncan Plaza on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12-6pm and even set up at Farmers Markets and concerts. He had numerous volunteers helping me, flyers posted around town and also donations from the Northwest Highschool Girls Soccer Club.

Cooper D.
Jackson Township | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: Perry Local Schools
Cooper's project was to help expand the creativity of the many preschoolers that attend TC Knapp Elementary School in Perry Township. He wanted this project to be accessible to all children and developmentally appropriate for 3-5 year olds. Cooper expanded the playground and added a sensory walkway around the outside of the school. The sensory walk included interactive music activities for the children.

Jacob D.
East Sparta | Troop 1250
Project Beneficiary: Eden Church of the Brethren
Jacob replaced the existing fire pit at Eden Church of the Brethren. Jacob built a ten foot square area consisting of a railroad tie border then gravel stones and the fire pit in the middle. Now members of the church have a nice area where they can cook hot dogs and s'mores.
Matthew D.
Jackson Township | Troop 1001
Project Beneficiary: Zion United Church of Christ
For Matthew's project, he redid a storage closet at Zion United Church of Christ. The room was a storage area prior to Matthew repurposing the room back into a Sunday school room for middle school and/or high school students or use as a youth group room. By completing the remodel, the church will have a nicer area once the room is repurposed. He painted the walls and the cement floor as well as built new shelves.
Lane E.
Uniontown | Troop 1135
Project Beneficiary: MAPS Air Museum
Lane built four different shelves for the library at the MAPS Air Museum and installed them. Two were built and installed on top of existing shelves and painted. The other two were built shorter and installed under a smart board in the library these will not need painted.
Matthew G.
Jackson Township | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: Jackson Local Schools

Aidan H.
North Lawrence | Troop 1933
Project Beneficiary: Rivertree Christian Church
Aidan constructed two sign in tables for the Nursery and Preschool Branch of Rivertree Christian Church.

Zachary H.
Louisville | Troop 1015
Project Beneficiary: Louisville Christ United Methodist Church
Zachary's project consisted of putting down new flooring, painting walls, pulling the toilet and shower and replacing them with a new toilet and a urinal to replace the shower. He also pulled the bench and the divider out to make more space.

Brendan H.
Uniontown | Troop 1010
Project Beneficiary: North Canton City Schools
Brendan's project was create a space where students could sit outside the band doors at Hoover High School. He needed to remove some slanted brick slabs that lead up to a door that opens outwards. He replaced this area with a full size landing with a bigger step and a railing on both sides that it is safer.

Lucy H.
Perry Township | Troop 1111
Project Beneficiary: Perry Helping Perry
Lucy organized a laundry and hygiene drive that would benefit Perry Helping Perry Clothes Closet. She spent a month collecting the supplies and took them to the closet for sorting into baskets, so when people need any of them, they have a choice of what to get. Lucy spread the word about the collection by putting flyers in the windows of stores and making announcements at schools. People were able to donate things by putting them in drop off locations, or taking it straight to the Clothes Closet. A by-product of her project was more awareness of the great things Perry Helping Perry does and hopes that people will donate more regularly.

Jonah H.
Massillon | Troop 1933
Project Beneficiary: Massillon Parks and Recreation
For Jonah's project, he built two 2-x 4 benches for Oak Knoll Park. Jonah works with the Boys and Girls Club of Massillon and the kids go to Oak Knoll Park often and having additional benches for sitting would benefit both the Massillon community, but also the Boys and Girls Club.

Josh H.
Alliance | Troop 2050
Project Beneficiary: Lowe's, North Canton
Josh constructed a flag retirement box for worn or used United States flags to try to prevent our Nation's Flag from ending up in the trash at the Lowe's in Canton. Then, approximately once per month, someone from our troop will check the box and pick up the flags and properly dispose of them during a Troop meeting or camp-out where a proper method could be used (such as burning). Flags must first have the union cut from the stripes before being burned. Also, grommets from the flags can be cut out and presented to veterans or others who would be honored to have such a token of our Nation.
Christian J.
North Canton | Troop 1012
Project Beneficiary: Canton Parks and Recreation
Christian's goal of building nesting boxed is to create an attractive and safe nesting environment for a wide range of small aviary species common to Northeast Ohio and specifically the proposed nesting box location. He designed and constructed a total of 15 bird boxes. 10 enclosed boxes and 5 nesting platforms.

Luke K.
Canton | Troop 1012
Project Beneficiary: Canton City School District
Luke built three Little Free Libraries at Worley Elementary School, Early College at Lehman, and Crenshaw Middle School Canton. These schools means a lot to Luke because his entire family grew up in the Canton City School District. His hope for the community libraries is to spread the joy of reading to future generations of students that attended the same schools he did.
Stanley K.
Uniontown | Troop 1045
Project Beneficiary: Chapel Hill Christian School South
Stanley's Eagle Scout Project was to raise money to build a gaga ball pit for Chapel Hill Christian School South (CHCS).
Garret K.
Alliance | Troop 2101
Project Beneficiary: Chapel in Marlboro
Garrett re-surfaced some of the trail behind his church, Chapel in Marlboro. He also cleaned up the brush that has been left there and cut up the fallen down trees around the area. This will help improve the trail surface and make it nicer to walk on. Cleaning up the area also makes it safer and allows the surrounding area to look clean.
Brady L.
North Canton | Troop 1035
Project Beneficiary: MAPS Air Museum
Brady designed a series of five six foot benches for the MAPS Air Museum's Bob Hope room.

Samuel M.
North Canton | Troop 1012
Project Beneficiary: Faith United Methodist Church
Faith United Methodist Church had a wooden fence that runs along 9th Street which separates FUMC's playground/field from the street. The fence periodically requires maintenance (mostly repainting). Samuel's project was to replace the current wooden fence with a lower maintenance vinyl fence.
Gavin M.
Plain Twp | Troop 1034
Project Beneficiary: VFW Post 3747
Gavin replaced rotting railroad ties at the VFW Post 3747 before they become a hazard. He first cleared out the flowerbeds then digging out the old rotting ones by taking a bobcat and ripping out the old ties and stakes. Finally he replaced the old ties with new railroad ties and new stakes to hold them in the ground. He also added decorative stones or mulch once the new ties are in place. In addition the large pavilion that is located in the rear of the property which is used for special events is in need of sanding, patching and painting on the inside, there is a bathroom that has 4 walls, and there is the hallway to the bathroom that has 3 walls which need 2 coats of paint.
Jack M.
North Canton | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: St Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church
Jack's project was tearing down of an old playground that is unsafe at St. Stephen Martyr. He also removed the fence and fence posts that surround the playground. Once he cleaned up the area, he planted grass seed to re-beautify the area.
Bradley M.
Plain Township | Troop 1042
Project Beneficiary: Hope Outreach Ministry
Bradley's project was to provide a small Christmas gift bag to 250 children at the Hope Outreach Ministry, which is a non-denominational Christian food, clothing, and service ministry. East package contained an activity, personal item, COVID-19 care pack, and a small gift. Bradley was responsible for all fundraising, purchasing of items, packaging, sorting, and distribution.

Adam M.
North Canton | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: Zion United Church of Christ
Adam built, designed, and installed a new wooden desk for the AV room for Zion United Church of Christ. This desk will replace the current table and cabinet. The new desk will include a workspace table, and two modular cabinets for storage and PC tower housing.

Paul P.
Massillon | Troop 1903
Project Beneficiary: Wilmot Wilderness Center
Paul coordinated and conducted the construction of two mobile turtle habitats for the resident turtles; Augustus and Barnaby, at the Wilderness Center of Wilmot. The box is large enough to accommodate all of the turtle's belongings, and will have casters on the bottom to allow the habitats to be moved. The habitats themselves are wooden boxes with a removable screen roof.

Ethan P.
Louisville | Troop 1015
Project Beneficiary: City of Louisville
Ethan created a public stand available to persons whom are riding bicycles to perform basic maintenance on their bikes along a trail. His maintenance stand was built out of pressure treated wood and cemented into the ground. The stands will be approximately 2 miles apart from each other. They have basic bicycle tools permanently attached to the stand with cables.

Jacob P.
Canal Fulton | Troop 1927
Project Beneficiary: Stark County Hunger Task Force
For his Eagle Project, Jacob organized a food drive for the Stark County Hunger Task Force Backpack Program. They aim to help feed children whose families are food insecure. Jacob ran food drives at his school, church, grocery stores, and online. In addition to collecting donations, Jacob organized the sorting of his items before delivering to the Hunger Task Force.

Braden P.
North Lawrence | Troop 1933
Project Beneficiary: Celebration Church Greentown
Braden enclosed a pavilion to make a storage shed. He also took down flag pole.
Brendan P.
Alliance | Troop 1016
Project Beneficiary: Fairhope Nature Preserve
A section of Fairhope Nature Preserve lost most the vegetation and the weeds had overgrown in the area. Brendan cleaned up this area and re-planted new plants and flowers to brighten up the park.

Jacob P.
Plain Township | Troop 1042
Project Beneficiary: Stark County Humane Society
Jacob spent two years planning, designing and building a dog agility course for the Humane Society as part of his bid to become an Eagle Scout. The application process requires scouts to carry out a project that benefits the community.
The course includes stairs, an elevated landing, a ramp and a tube underneath, which dogs can use to run through, climb on and rest under.

Tommy R.
Plain Township | Troop 1012
Project Beneficiary: Stark County Humane Society
At the Stark County Humane Society, Tommy installed a shade structure with a bench underneath. The pad is crushed limestone that the bench will sit on with wooden boarding the ground. The shade structure will be in one of the three outdoor dog cages. This is here the dogs run and walk year round. The dog watcher is able to sit and relax in the shade while the dog plays. He also planted two trees along the dog walking path so they can enjoy the shade.

Joe R. II
Jackson Township | Troop 2050
Project Beneficiary: Jackson Township Trustees
Joe Richmond, a Jackson Township resident, and a member of Boy Scout Troop 2050 in Alliance completed his Eagle Scout project and presented it to the Jackson Township Trustees at their meeting on November 18, 2021. Joe constructed an American Flag retirement box. This retirement box can be found in the lobby area of Jackson Township Administrative Offices. Residents now have a place to bring their worn-out and distressed flags for proper retirement.
Jason R.
Jackson Twp | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: Jackson Local Schools
Jason built and delivered a two piece workbench and two glass storage pieces for the visual arts department at Jackson High School.
Zachary S.
Canton | Troop 1034
Project Beneficiary: Henry Warstler Cemetery
Zachary's Eagle Scout service project took place at Henry Warstler Cemetery. It consisted of cleaning and painting the flowerpots, cleaning the brass veteran footstones, painting any trash cans, waterspouts, or signs that need retouching, and lastly planting any flowers where the beneficiary sees fit.

Alaina S.
Alliance | Troop 2050
Project Beneficiary: Huston-BrumBaugh Nature Center
Alaina built Dalilah beds for the Huston-BrumBaugh Nature Center. Before Alaina got involved, the beds very hidden and hard for people to see. Dalilahs are one of their biggest attractions at the Nature Center and with Alaina's help, the new beds will more color to the garden.
Haden S.
North Canton | Troop 1012
Project Beneficiary: Beech Creek Botanical Gardens
An area of Beech Creek Bontanical Gardens was in desperate need of someone to clean up an old area of the nature center. Haden cleaned up and disposed of old tires, railroad ties, and dead branches and other living harmful vegetation like multiflora rose. He then excavated a foot in depth of the creek to install the 18" x 10" culvert. While the dirt is backfilled every few inches it will be tamped to insure the dirt is packed tightly. After this is done, he laid #8 crushed limestone on top to create a nice driving area and it will be approximately 7" wide and 9" in length.
Benjamin S.
Louisville | Troop 1015
Project Beneficiary: St. Joseph Senior Living
Benjamin installed four raised flowerbeds at the St Josephs Senior Living facility in Louisville. There have been other raised flowerbeds installed in the past, but the majority of them are rotted out and were unsafe for use by the residents now.

Tyler S.
Perry Township | Troop 1939
Project Beneficiary: Perry Local Schools
Tyler raised/obtained the necessary funds/donated materials and built a 20’x10’ pavilion at the Perry High School tennis courts. This pavilion allows users of these courts to get out of the elements (i.e. - rain and sun).

Kara S.
Massillon | Troop 1111
Project Beneficiary: Jackson Local Schools
Kara's project involved sanding, cleaning, repairing, and repainting hundreds of music stands for the Jackson Local Schools band program. The band program at Jackson Local Schools spreads over 8 grades at both the middle school, and requires heavy use of expensive music stands for almost a thousand students. As she began coming into my senior year of the band program, I noticed that a lot of these stands needed repairs and repainted. So, she looked to fix up these music
stands so that they can be used again for years to come by music students. The project took over 200 man hours to complete, and had a lot of help from fellow scouts, scouting adults, and band members. We worked over the course of a week, holding days to move all the stands to our local bus garage, then to prepare and paint them. She feels that overall the project went really well, and the stands are now able to be put to good use every day, allowing hundreds of students to continue learning and enjoying music.
Joshua S.
Minerva | Troop 2150
Project Beneficiary: Village of Minerva
Joshua's project was to repair and landscape around two park signs and add an information sign for a tank in the park. His project impacted the park by repairing the signs that were greatly weathered from the past years and needed to be redone. The tank needed a sign so people can know about the history of the tank.
Daniel S.
Minerva | Troop 2150
Project Beneficiary: Canton Baptist Temple
Daniel built a gaga ball pit with a 26 feet diameter at the Canton Baptist Temple. It will have artificial turf on the top. Also there will be four benches around the pit. It will be drained by a pipe running to another drainage pipe.
Corbin S.
Plain Township | Troop 1034
Project Beneficiary: Plain Local Schools
Corbin led and organized a project to improve the conference room at Middlebranch Elementary School. He painted all four of the walls, one wall as an accent wall. The accent wall will have inspirational quotes on it. The wall quote will be adhesive vinyl. He also assembled furniture for the conference room, including a conference table and 10 chairs.

Caleb S.
East Canton | Troop 2150
Project Beneficiary: Camp Tuscazoar
Caleb organized a huge project involving heavy trench digging equipment and fiber optic cable supplied by MCTV, our local cable provider, to provide Tuscazoar with wifi connections. He coordinated all the supplies needed and many volunteers in order to get the job done. He was able to get the heavy machinery, gravel, and fiber optic cable donated for his project.

Carson S.
Perry Township | Troop 1912
Project Beneficiary: North Canton Church of Christ
Carson upgraded the landscaping at the North Canton Church of Christ parking lot divider. He removed gravel from the south side near the handicap side and moved to a designated area behind the church building and replaced it with dirt and grass seed. He planted bushes on the north side to prevent people from driving over the dirt and mud that is currently there and straightened the five current handicap parking signs. Lastly, he planted a tree for beautification and a symbol of the project that represents a memorial for everyone that was affected by the pandemic.
Kian S.
Jackson Township | Troop 1127
Project Beneficiary: Camp Tuscazoar
At Camp Tuscazoar, Kian managed the construction of several roads as well as preventing erosion of newly made roads. This will be done by adding down various sized rocks. This will make the roads more durable of a service. He also dug small ditches and added a culvert pipe to prevent water erosion. Through Kian's leadership, there is now access into camp sites that couldn't be accessed before.
Cameron S.
North Canton | Troop 1927
Project Beneficiary: Wildlife Conservation Center
Cameron made thirty to fifty squirrel boxes for the rehabilitation of injured squirrels. They were made out of pine boards with shingles on the roofs of them. They were given to the Wildlife Conservation Center to be stored and, in turn, be used for the squirrels as needed. The reason why he chose this project is because squirrels play an important role in the regeneration of the forests they are in. They do this by burying the food they want to save for the winter, and forgetting where they bury it which causes the seeds to grow. They also act as a food source for other animals which helps the food chain.
Claytin S.
Plain Township | Troop 1042
Project Beneficiary: St. Jacob's Lutheran Church
Claytin built a gaga ball pit for St Jacobs. This gaga ball pit will provide a fun activity for kids at the church to do after service, as well as a place for kids in nearby neighborhoods to play as well.
Joseph T.
Minerva | Troop 2150
Project Beneficiary: Camp ECCO
Joseph rebuilt the Gaga Ball Pit at the camp that he used to go to for Band Camp, Camp ECCO. He also replaced the bricks around the dinner bell by the dining hall.
Brandon T.
North Canton | Troop 1265
Project Beneficiary: John Knox Presbyterian Church
Brandon improved his leadership skills and helping others by leading a project to build a 12 ft x 12 ft paver patio with a 4 ft diameter paver fire ring. This project will be constructed near the outdoor pavilion outside of John Knox Church.
Nicholas W.
Plain Township | Troop 1127
Project Beneficiary: Holly Hills Baseball & Barr Elementary, Plain Local Schools
Nicholas created 8 small box-like structures to hold baseball bats for kids to use, they are portable and able to be moved also made from treated lumber, pvc pipe, etc. There are 9 slots to place your bat with the handles of each bat sticking up for quick access. He constructed this project at Barr Elementary. This school holds a little league baseball program called Holly Hills. They have several baseball fields. He made one for 4 fields with 2 bat boxes per field and one for each dugout/team.
Cody W.
Massillon | Troop 1933
Project Beneficiary: Living Water Church
Cody built a fire ring with 4 benches around it for Living Water Church in Dalton.

Jacob W.
Hartville | Troop 1045
Project Beneficiary: Camp Carl
Jacob placed steps made out of railroad ties leading up a steep hill at Camp Carl in Ravenna. He has attended church camp there every summer since I was little. One time when his parents dropped him off it was raining bad and the hill leading up to the yurts where he was camping were very slippery. Jacob mentioned to my dad that placing steps there would be an awesome Eagle Scout project. It would also help control the erosion on this hill. He started thinking of projects to do early on because both of my older brothers are also Eagle Scouts.
Ryan W.
Massillon | Troop 1935
Project Beneficiary: Stark County Hunger Task Force
A few boxes were donated from Home Depot or reused from local schools and businesses to the Stark County Hunger Task Force.
Kyle W.
Perry Twp | Troop 1912
Project Beneficiary: Refuge of Hope
Kyle's project was building garden boxes for Refuge of Hope men's homeless shelter and meal ministry, complete with assorted vegetables. The purpose is to give the kitchen staff easy access to fresh vegetables as well as allow the men to give back to a very generous ministry by taking care of the garden.
Zeke Y.
Plain Township | Troop 1127
Project Beneficiary: Canton City Schools, Arts Academy @ Summit
Zeke renovated the existing flowerbed that is located in the courtyard at the Acts Academy @ Summit. He removed the current dead foliage and weeds followed by realigning the current stonework. Next, cardboard will be laid down in the flowerbed to eliminate future weed growth. After that, 3 inches of new soil will be laid down on top of the cardboard. Following that, a variety of native Ohio plants will be planted. The last step will by to apply fresh mulch for a nice finishing touch.
Alexander Y.
Uniontown | Troop 1135
Project Beneficiary: Uniontown Park
Alexander extended the pavilion at the Uniontown Park by digging out around an inch of dirt, putting down sand and crushed limestone and then putting pavers on top.

Zachary Z.
North Canton | Troop 1001
Project Beneficiary: Zion United Church of Christ
For Zachary's project, he restored the busy playground area at Zion United Church of Christ in North Canton. His repairs made the playground more visually pleasing and inviting to kids with more activities for creative play and skill development. These changes help to support the church and the events and a programs which serve both the church and the community.
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